The Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms (Second Edition)
Author: Robert Lee Riffle, Paul Craft, and Scott Zona. This essential reference, now completely revised and updated, describes more than 900 species of palms that can be grown in climates ranging from tropical to temperate. With new species, curent taxonomy, plant characteristics, cultural requirements such as cold hardiness and water needs, and uses in the landscape as well as indoors, this is the defintive resource on this economically and horticulturally important plant group. Winner of an American Horticultural Society Book Award in 2004, it also provides history, ethnobotany, and biology, along with seed germination notes and extensive lists of palms for specific landscape situations. The magnificent new edition includes an expanded discussion of palm health as well as information on gardens with important palm collections that are open to the public, including Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. Generously illustrated with more than 730 new photos for a total of nearly 1000, this volume is useful as both an identification guide and as a practical handbook. Hardcover, Second Edition.